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This page catalogues graphics depicting small-unit military organizations. Graphics are organized in galleries. You may search through the galleries using the directory below or browse through the list on this page.

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Squad Weapon · Section/Platoon/Company Vehicles · Orders of Battle

EBRC Platoon Graphic-01.png

â–»Squad Weapon Graphics 


These graphics are centered around the personal weapons, billets, and rank of billets in infantry squads or sections.

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â–»Vehicle & Personnel Graphics

These graphics are centered around vehicles, personnel, and unit structure. They're generally for units from platoon to company strength, although some larger or specialist sections with lots of heavy equipment are also included. 



Unlike a table of organization (TO&E), which lists the equipment, personnel and organization of unit types as per doctrine, Orders of Battle (ORBAT) show what subunits, equipment, and hierarchies existed in specific units at a given time. We normally do ORBATs at the Battalion, Brigade and Division levels.

The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.


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© 2019-2024 Battle Order. Battle Order creates graphics and video based on primary and secondary sources. We recommend you cite primary sources when possible.

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