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Military Organization > Nazi Germany > Grenadierkompanie (Nov. 1944)

Grenadierkompanie (Nov. 1944) 

The following was the organization of the Grenadierkompanie of the Heer's Volksgrenadiers. This is based upon the organization laid out in K.St.N.131V published 1 November 1944. It should be noted that this would have been the nominal organization. This organization was centered around the new Sturmgewehr 44 from its inception. In theory, the two Sturmgewehr equipped platoons would be the line platoons, while the third platoon would be in reserve and used for replacements and training. In reality, most likely less than half of Grenadierkompanie were equipped in this manner.



  1. Organization

    • 1 Company​ Troop

    • 2 Storm Platoons

    • 1 Rifle Platoons

  2. Sources


Organization (Nov. 1944 to May 1945)

  • Type: Shock Infantry Company

  • Origin: German Army (Nazi Germany)

  • Time Frame: November 1944 to May 1945

  • Personnel: 2 Officers and 117 Enlisted


  • 1× Company Commander (Kompanieführer), Hauptmann (OF-2), armed with 1 StG 44 rifle. Acted as the company's commanding officer.


Company Troop (19 Enlisted)​

  • 1× Company HQ Section Leader (Kompanietruppführer), Unteroffizier (OR-4) to Unterfeldwebel (OR-6), armed with 1 StG44 rifle

  • 1× â€‹Administrative First Sergeant (Hauptfeldwebel), Oberfeldwebel (OR-8), armed with 1 MP40 submachine gun and issued a bicycle

  • 1× Accountant (Rechnungsführer), Unteroffizier (OR-4), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle and issued a bicycle

  • 1× â€‹Supply NCO (Gerätunteroffizier), Unteroffizier (OR-4), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle and issued a bicycle

  • 1× Medical NCO (​Sanitätsunteroffizier), Unteroffizier (OR-4), armed with 1 pistol and issued a bicycle

  • 3× Messengers (Melder), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle and issued 1 bicycle each

  • 4× Radio Operators (Funker), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle

  • 6× Sharpshooters (Scharfschützen), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 K43 rifle with a telescopic sight each*

  • 1× Horse Leader (Pferdeführer), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle


→ Additional Equipment: Each company troop was allotted one light draft horse that drew 2 infantry carts (infanteriekarren)

The KStN lists self-loading rifles with telescopic sights as the standard. In practice, this would have likely also included Kar98k rifles with telescopic sights as well.


2× Storm Platoons (0-1 Officers and 32-33 Enlisted)

  • 1× Platoon Leader (Zugführer), Leutnant to Oberleutnant (OF-1) in 1. Sturmzug or Feldwebel (OR-7) in 2. Sturmzug, armed with 1 StG44 rifle

​→ Platoon Troop (Zugtrupp)

  • 2× Messengers (Melder), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle each

  • 3× Rifle Grenadiers (Schützen für Gewehrgranatgerät), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k and rifle grenade launcher each

  • 1× Stretcher Bearer (Krankenträger), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 pistol

  • 1× Horse Driver (Fahrer vom Bock), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle

  • 1× Horse Leader (Pferdeführer), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle


​→ 2× Storm Groups (Sturmgruppen)

  • 1× Squad Leader (Gruppenführer), Stabsgefreiter (OR-3) to Unterfeldwebel (OR-6), armed with 1 StG44 rifle

  • 1× Deputy Squad Leader (Stellvertreter Gruppenführer), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle

  • 6× Riflemen (Schützen), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle each


​→ 1× Fire Squad (Feuergruppe)

  • 1× Squad Leader (Gruppenführer), Unteroffizier (OR-4), armed with 1 StG44 rifle

  • 1× Deputy Squad Leader (Stellvertreter Gruppenführer), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle

  • 2× Machine Gunners (M.G.-Schütze 1), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 MG-42 or MG-34 machine gun and 1 pistol each

  • 2× Assistant Machine Gunners (M.G.-Schütze 2), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle each

  • 2× Ammunition Bearers (Munitions-Schützen)*, Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 StG44 rifle each


→ Additional Equipment: Each platoon had a wagon for carrying rucks and munitions drawn by 2 light draft horses and 2 infantry carts drawn by 1 draft horse. The wagon was driven by the Horse Driver while the horse drawing the infantry carts was led by the Horse Leader. Further, each storm platoon had 1 additional MG42 or MG34 general-purpose machine gun in reserve with the Zugtrupp that would be issued to the Fire Group to form a 3rd machine gun team in the defense (not the offense).

* In the defense, the 2 ammunition bearers in the Fire Squad would form a third machine gun team with the reserve light machine gun held at the platoon headquarters.


1× Rifle Platoon (33 Enlisted)

  • 1× Platoon Leader (Zugführer), Feldwebel (OR-7), armed with 1 MP40 submachine gun


Platoon Headquarters (Zugtrupp)

  • 2× Messengers (Melder), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 MP40 submachine gun each

  • 3× Grenadiers (Schützen für Gewehrgranatgerät)Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k and rifle grenade launcher each

  • 1× Stretcher Bearer (Krankenträger), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 pistol

  • 1× Horse Driver (Fahrer vom Bock), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle

  • 1× Horse Leader (Pferdeführer), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle


​→ 3× Squads (Gruppen)

  • 1× Group Leader (Gruppenführer), a Stabsgefreiter (OR-3) to Unterfeldwebel (OR-6), armed with 1 MP40 submachine gun

  • 1× Deputy Group Leader (Stellvertretender Gruppenführer), a Obergrenadier (OR-1) to Stabsgefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 MP40 submachine gun

  • 1× Machine Gunners (M.G.-Schütze 1), a Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 MG-42 or MG-34 machine gun and 1 pistol

  • 1× Assistant Machine Gunners (M.G.-Schütze 2), a Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle

  • 4× Riflemen (Schützen), Grenadier (OR-1) to Obergefreiter (OR-3), armed with 1 Kar98k rifle each


→ Additional Equipment: Each platoon had a wagon for carrying rucks and munitions drawn by 2 light draft horses and 2 infantry carts drawn by 1 draft horse. The wagon was driven by the Horse Driver while the horse drawing the infantry carts was led by the Horse Leader.





The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious.


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